Christian Life Coach
Clarity with Catherine

Christian Life Coach
Clarity with Catherine

Catherine Lundberg

Do you feel like you’ve done all the “right” things in life and been a “good girl” but that things have not played out the way you wanted?

Are the things that used to motivate you and bring you joy and satisfaction no longer cutting it? Have you been hurt or let down by people that you thought would always have your back?

Are you ready to reassess and find the life that you were originally trying to create? Clarity Life Coaching partners with women who desire more out of their life but don’t know how to get there.

I can help craft a roadmap to walk out your fullest potential and utilize the experience you currently have. I will help you regain your vision. Let’s use this next chapter of your life to fully live out your purpose and experience fulfillment.

Don’t Let Another Day Pass By Without Calling Catherine

Christian life coach Catherine at her desk

The women I work with find they wouldn’t trade in their well earned laugh lines to be younger. They recognize and are reminded by my coaching how powerful they are from years of collected wisdom. They have become content and confident with who they are.

My clients know that not only are they enough, they are so much more!!! Catherine’s Christian life coaching can unlock a passion for more experiences while you discover and show the world what you can accomplish.

Does this sound like someone you would like to become? I would love to walk with you on this journey.

Click here to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call and let’s brainstorm how you can implement exciting life changing strategies.

my coaching client
Contact Me

A Christian life coach helps clients navigate their thought world and facilitates personal growth and development. Clarity Life Coach Catherine Ludberg specializes in the complexities of the human mind. She guides coaching clients through a transformative process to reveal thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that drive toward positive change.

Our guidance is taliore specifically to you. The techniques and strategies used is to support coaching clients in overcoming challenges, developing healthier habits, and achieving their desired goals. Start to identify limiting beliefs, explore new perspectives, and cultivate a mindset that fosters personal and professional success today.

Ultimately, a christian life coach empowers individuals to build resilience, enhance self-awareness, and create meaningful and fulfilling lives with a biblical worldview in mind.

Meet Catherine Personally

Clarity Life Coaching Supporters

Real Women Helped by

Clarity Life Coaching

Diana Williams
Lesley Platak
Amanda McFaddin

‘Because each individual is in a different place in their journey, I offer various coaching packages so you can choose the perfect fit for yourself. Look up our Christian life coach service reviews for stunning transformations and testimonies.


Power hour

A single session used to address finding a solution to a specific issue.


mindset mastery

3 months of weekly coaching working towards mastering all six habits of thinking.


Clarity, Commitment, & Change

This package is for the person who wants to make some significant changes in their lives. This includes twelve weeks of coaching on the habits of thinking offered in Mindset Mastery, plus twelve more weeks of strategic coaching towards achieving their desired changes.


See Our Social Posts about Life Changing Coaching Mindset Shifts